Category: translation

  • Anarchism and the need for a new art

    desert or dessert?

    A translation from Acracia [1]

    – stalking the earth (September 30th, 2018)


    August 2018, by Quijano Araucano

    This text is directed towards young anarchists (among them me) who are as lost as usual, more lazy than ever and each time (discovered with terror and fatigue) more scare. As Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) has mentioned, in numerous texts and interviews, literature, now more than any other historical moment, suffers a state of stagnation and decomposition never seen before, even more so in this strip of land in the south of the world, where thanks to 18 years of tyranny and barbarism the situation turned out to be (and still is) of an even greater severity.

    But what has been said by Bolaño can perfectly apply itself to all of the arts: painting, sculpture, music, all subordinates of international capital, that have abandoned their true objective (to be the subsequent expression of being human) in order to conform to the simple and the mediocre, the consumable and the fast, asphyxiated by their own incoherence and that awakens in one, to a certain extent, a conservative spirit, one that longs for the old works of art. Music has been automatized in pursuit of being consumable among the large markets. Painting, the image itself, has lost significance in a world of TV and the Internet, the forms are no longer important, only the colors and how much it sells. On sculpture… I sincerely prefer not to speak. It’s enough to make a mental parallel between Bernini’s “Apollo and Daphne” and the works of art exhibited by Damien Hirst. Art (writing, painting, sculpture, and all of it’s derivatives) have always enjoyed fame as soon as they take a leap into the void. A blind bet, where no matter how hard you try, you will probably end up dying of hunger, choking to death on your vomit and your failure in the final days. Kafka and Lovecraft are great examples (and at the same time, extraordinarily sad, sad enough to start crying on the floor) of the above. Both are considered essential topics today for world literature, who were despised and unknown in their respective times, spit on and treated like dirt, and only after their death was their work seriously appreciated. It seems (and with good reason) that a lot of people have already had enough of this logic. Why try to to write the new “Ulysses” and die of hunger “under the same star,” if with throwaway culture and emptiness, it is enough to to live and follow me on Twitter? Enough.

    It’s perfect. The trade of the artist has never been so profitable and easy. A couple of random swipes on a blank sheet, and let’s go! To Instagram with a picturesque filter, and good evening to the shepherds.

    “Permanence has been swept aside by the speed of empty images. The pantheon of illustrious men, we discovered to our astonishment, is the kennel of the burning asylum” – (The myths of Cthulhu, Roberto Bolaño, 2003)

    But if it is something that has characterized anarchism in Chile during the last few years, it is the wall of laments of the old utopians, those who believe in a better world. The liquor that loosens the tears of the eternal melancholic and allows them to throw a pair of rabid tricks into the air… but, nothing more. I think that we’ve had enough, enough contemporary art that alleges some sort of occult meaning in order to conceal their obvious emptiness, enough of the plain zombified music, enough of the literary works without history or aim. I’m fed up. I’m angry. Is it that we are waiting for them to remove the works Da Vinci from the Louvre, and instead hang the works of Lucio Fontana? What are we waiting for!? Meanwhile, the international powers, the state and big capital advance in leaps and bounds in front of our eyes taking everything in their way (in-between that, art). What do we, the anarchists, do? Create! There is still time to save art. I’m not one to point where to go: the revival of surrealism, save infrarrealismo, and paint the colorless ashes of realism, fantasize, imagine, dream… Think!

    If we let art completely fall into the mercantilist hands that have been destroying humanity and nature for over 200 years… I’m not sure what could happen, but I’m sure, as always, that it wouldn’t be anything good.


    [1] The name of the newspaper is Acracia, meaning Anarchy – and following that ácratas is the Spanish word for anarchists.

  • Cuba: Images and a review of the opening of ABRA, La Habana

    A translation from El Libertario

    – stalkingtheearth – May 13th, 2k18

    May 5th 2018, by Isbel Díaz [Fidelito foto above via stalkingtheearth]

    No packed room, no audio or microphones, no promotion on social networks or email lists. Those who came were those who wanted and were able to, and it was enough.

    More than 30 people where present this past 5th of May 2018 in Lawton, to help found between everyone the ABRA Social Center and Libertarian Library.

    After almost three years of an International campaign to help obtain the necessary funds, without the help of governments, political parties, or NGOs or any part (much less to Cuban State institutions); we have achieved a dream started back in 2015.

    Previous experiences in la Cátedra Haydeé Santamaría, la Red Observatorio Crítico, y Guardabosques have demonstrated the important need to have a fixed physical headquarters to help maintain our work over time.

    Some of us here have been able to see places in Europe and America, collectives and groups on the left, syndicalists and trade unionists, anarchists, socialists, anti-globalalization activists, who have their own spaces. Some occupy, others rent, and there their creativity begins to take off, driven by their antagonistic energy to try and transform a world that is increasingly more and more xenophobic, racist, consumerist, unjust, and exploitative.

    Our own struggles could be those, and others different; but it is clear that nothing can be a substitute for direct contact, the transparent gaze of people who want to work on something together. Especially in Cuba, where the State has a tight control of the media and the Internet is still very expensive and slow.

    This was understood by the people who gave their support to our idea so that it could come out on top, and to each one who helped us out, my comrades and I send you our deep gratitude from the Taller Libertario Alfredo López and the Observatorio Crítico Cubano.

    We know that you don’t have an excess of money. We know that many of you are workers or students, and that every coin hurts your pockets.

    It is for this reason that we can only start this new period with great humility and the commitment that we make our social space open to each individual that knocks on our door with a dream, an idea of autonomy and collective work, and with that building a new direction for our lives.

    This is why, in addition to sharing our own history with those who visited us this past weekend, we also gave them an opportunity to share their own projects and art.

    With this, we took advantage of the opportunity for old friendly projects like the lucid-educational-communal “El Trencito”, the anti-racist bulletin “Desde la Ceiba”, or the “Kaweiro” group, that will be presented to new listeners in the voices of their coordinators Yadira Rubio, Tato Quiñones, Carlos Díaz and Meibol, respectively.

    We enjoyed the art of verses that students from the University of La Habana gave us, and some other informal verses, as well as some written poetry.

    We also learned about other artistic experiences such as those of our friend Ernesto, who in addition to humbling drawing up the murals that welcome visitors to the space, shared a new series of beautiful photography under the title of ABRA.

    Promoters from the Centro Loyola informed us of a new space for debate called “Forum Loyola” from participants; we also learned of a visual art project “Tú yo más yo” by Jorge Mata, as well as “Fábrica de Improducibles” by the Laboratorio Escénico de Experimentación Social, presented by Yohayna Hernández.

    All in all, from our first step we have tried to honor our name and “open” the door to others who arrive without a space to try something emancipatory and beautiful.

  • México: When Christmas starts, anarchy ends…

    Text we translated recently from contra info



    received on December 18th, 2016:

    Politics begin where anarchist ethics end

    It was only a few years ago, on December 13th, 2013, when some hooded ones burned the Christmas tree located on Avenida Reforma[1]. This action took place during manifestations against subway ticket hikes, that tragically ended between the reform and recuperation by NGO’s and governmental agencies of social welfare; however at the same time these occassions witnessed spontaneous actions, autonomous organization and sabotage from the oppressed and exploited. After this symbolic anti-capitalist act, one friend still remains in prison accused of setting the Christmas tree sponsored by Coca-Cola on fire. The -symbolic- burning of the tree from Coca-Cola, wasn’t just meant as an attack against the symbol of North American[2] capitalism, but also as an attack against the culture of consumerism, an attack against religious traditions imposed by those who believe they’re the owners of the world, an attack on patriarchy, against power and all religious and moral authority.

    The State in an obvious communion with the aberrant moral ideologies imposed by the Catholic Church, or by Christianity, responsible for keeping alive religious-patriarchal traditions of the family, that are a piece of the puzzle of domination, that fit perfectly within capitalism and consumerism, turning itself into a product to be sold. In the Germanic language, Weihnachten[3] or Christmas Eve means a night of blessing, is an instrument of domination and social control, that functions like an instrument of subjection by means of the concession to the State and Capital, while giving the exploited “freedom” to consume, at the coast of their own exploitation. Christmas is also an instrument of force today in moral submission that continues to perpetuate the idea of a patriarchal family (or matriarchal as it might be) and brings a little bit of social peace and comfort the mass tormented by the horrors of the State and Capital. It is a glutinous party of total consumption, a day of neighborhood gatherings, a day of hypocrisy, a day of falsehood, a feast for capital. Capitalism and the Church are those who celebrate when the “anarchists” lose their ethics and principals, fulfilling traditions that have been established at the expense of blood, death, feminicide, and the exploitation of animals and nature.

    Today, there is the almost mythical manifesto of the anarchist Bakunin entitled, God and the State,[4] which has been one of the most important books for the development of anarchist thought that is unfortunately being overtaken by the Christian-pacifist doctrine of Lev Nikilayevich Tolstoy[5] –in an assertion according to millenarian anarchists–. This millenarian pollution has plagued anarchism by the presence of this person who was never fully vanquished, and in these times and places when the perspective of conflict has started to be revived from the ruins, to be seen and put into practice; it also also been revived and exists among us.

    A libertarian Christmas party is simply the reflection of this aberrant religious pollution and deviation from an anarchist ethic that seeks the destruction of all power and authority. It is evident today that the many efforts of “good thinking” aim to bury the insurrectionary perspective, we now know that insurrectionary thought was not born a few years ago from the theses of Alredo Bonanno and so many other friends, but the perspective of attack, of conflict, and the permanent insurrection has been and still is present, even with multiple strains. This effort to supplant ideas and practices focused on the destruction of the State and power, by the followers of the absurd anarcho-Christianity, are simply and always will be ill-defined.

    More specifically, what do we see behind the libertarian accommodation?

    Politics has killed the ethics of when some “anarchopunks” and anarcho-christians are given chores like those of politicians, resorting to the art of deception, manipulation, lies, and masks for the sole purpose of getting along with people and their neighbors to gain recruits for their anarchist struggle. The same entities who accuse comrades of acting like politicians who “steal”, today act like those same politicians who deceive. In this form, their antiquated view of progressive reform in society towards anarchy will be fruitless. Just as a politician uses many strategies to seize power, reaffirming the values of the system by calling attention to the vile reproduction of patriarchal feasts is a deception. Or perhaps, we’re mistaken, and you already believe in God, since these holidays are nothing more than the reaffirmation of the reign of God on this earth, to reaffirm the omnipotent power of the Church and State. The need to bear, the get along with, and continue with the welfare work of the social State, and the religious ethics of charity and the continued reaffirmation of the absurd and silly campaign of “anarchy is not a crime” and “anarchists are beautiful and good,” through acts of social welfare like collecting toys for poor children.

    The abhorrent anti-religious perspective of an anarchism that breaks with all of the dogma and power is being overtaken by the idea of “coexistence” born in part from celebrating the same festivities that Capitalism imposes on us with unique dates of union and fraternity. It is also being supplanted when the same language of the system is reproduced, even more so, when as written above, by the dates marked on the calendar of world capitalism. Mother’s Day, International Women’s Day, Flag Day, Labor Day, Valentines Day, are the dates revindicated or against what we struggle for, however as you know, always attending the marked dates by the State and Capitalism in order to protest and show affection, with love and support. This is the most obvious way to clearly show that the State and Capital are still the owners of their lives and actions.

    The imprisonment of a friend accused of burning the Christmas tree and the struggle he has carried on inside the prison (no matter how questionable he is) is reduced to almost nothing when antagonistic “libertarian” acts vindicate the values and festivities of Capital and the State that are simply against the intervention of those hooded ones who sought to attack religious morality and a symbol of Capitalism. Above all, it is a joke when the same people who refute the actions of these friends and publicly mock them, are the same people who then posthumously hang medals of “solidarity” on the prisoners, to reproduce in the end, acts contrary to the struggle of friends.

    We have no doubt that among the Christmas-partying anarchists (Oh! I ask for a xmas celebration in the name of heaven!) there are always present, the good consciences and friends who think (without thinking) that they are doing what is right in order to spread anarchist perspectives amongst society, without a doubt there are, but always behind it all is the respect for the moral authority of a leader disciple like that of Tolstoy, that few know, and that in the past many opposed, that seeks to impersonate anarchist ethics with the neurotic, crude, moralistic, aberrant, and pacifist Christianity.

    Fire to the Church and to all religious, authoritarian, patriarchal and morals of power!

    Just as the Catholic Church in México is gaining more power, just today when ultra-right groups call for marches for life, marches for family, anti-abortion marches; just as these Christmas celebrations continue to represent the abyss of consumerism and continue to reduce individuals to commodities; precisely today is when were should attack religious morality, it’s when we should continue the discussion that has given rise to debate and the anti-religious critique in all of it’s splendor, it is when we must turn up discourses almost lost and actions against religion and it’s unification with the State in submission to morality and exploitation.

    It is precisely today that we need to burn all their churches and sabotage their religious festivities, since these are not of the people, but of capital, of the church, of religion, and as an old anarchist once said of religion, it is more of the yoke of the people and the antithesis of the individual.

    Day by day, fire to the Church, the State, Capitalism, and all types of power and authority new and old!

    – Sincerely:

    Compañerxs anarquistas de la región de México D.F. 17 de Diciembre de 2016

    [1] México City (DF), México

    [2] North America is Canada, The United States of America, and The United States of México, see also NAFTA. Interestingly enough, México consumes the most Coca-Cola out of any country in the world.


    [4] “God and the State” by Michail Bakunin


  • Clandestine group “Anarquistas al Combate” makes a call for autonomy in Colombia

    We recently translated this text from Ruptura Colectiva

    – stalkingtheearth

    In the afternoon of the first of March, the clandestine group “Anarquistas al Combate” took the P building of the National Pedagogical University in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, making a call to the student community to resume the process of autonomy and rebellion in their discussions and practices in and outside of the university space. The militant hooded ones painted some slogans on the walls of the building and strongly rejected the more than 120 assassinations of community leaders and defenders of human rights[1] in just 14 months in all of Columbia, specifically in a political context mediated by peace, side by side with the serious – and cowardly – paramilitary attacks against social fighters.

    This past February 23rd, the “Festival for Rebellion and Memory” was held in the Plaza Darío Betancourt, which aimed to strengthen the student imagination about the police attacks against the students organized in the UPN, and as well as, serving as an anticipatory activity to the national march against the recent Police Code approved at the start of 2017. At the festival, a helicopter circled just meters away.

    [1] human rights was capitalized in original Spanish – Derechos Humanos (Human Rights)

  • [Spanish State] Communiqué from anarchists Mónica Cabellero and Francisco Solar

    Text we recently translated from contra info

    – stalkingtheearth


    Received on March 10th, 2017:

    (These words arrived with a delay due to the restrictive communications of the Spanish extermination centers. On March 7th, 2017 Mónica and Francisco were finally released to Chile, where they were greeted with a great deal of media and repressive threats. Finally today, they have returned to the street with their dignity intact.)

    Affinity and Solidarity against victimization and authority

    In the struggle to break with the establishment we look for and create relationship forms that are contrary to imposition and authority. Forms that help us feel comfortable in order to develop autonomously in our proposals and acts of daily confrontation. With this feeling we understand affinity represents the most suitable way for anarchist relations and that it’s not the fruit of empty slogans repeated until satiation, but the result of practices and shared visions that have helped generate long lasting bonds of passionate friendship and intimacy, that go beyond the simple bonds of just friends.

    The trust and care that comes from feeling and knowing that the ideas of permanent rebellion are the sustenance and strength of affinity helps build and develop anti-authoritarian practices. In turn, these ideas, are inseparable from our choice of life, the option that reinforces what we plan and how it is to be done. It is through these relationships that we grow individually and have the undeniable possibility of acts with no strings attached, which impedes the creation of bureaucratic and authoritarian behavior, cutting off the concentration of power.

    Critics of this position have signaled that this form makes it impossible to influence “social reality” and that it turns anarchism into a ghetto. Our response is that we don’t understand anarchism as a political party that uses all of its strategies to increase numbers for the purposes of achieving hegemony. We think that the means must be coherent with the ends as it would be contradictory to claim total liberation otherwise. For us, anarchism is, above all, a tension where individual initiative plays a central role, not a production.

    As this experience of imprisonment comes to an end we have lived through the birth, the strengthening and reinforcement of relationships of affinity. Our friends have given meaning to the word solidarity filling us with strength and pride. Overcoming many difficulties, we have been able to collaboratively build positions and initiatives of what we’ve learned. The will and determination of our friends, even if this sounds repetitive, has destroyed walls, bars, the space of time, and eliminated obstacles of isolation and communication. We have attempted and believe to be successful in establishing a relationship that breaks away from and is in opposition to the welfare practices where prisoners are viewed as “a poor victim of the system who is the subject of atrocious injustices.” The assumption that, as anarchists we find ourselves in a permanent confrontation with power and that it has its consequences has given possibility to put into practice an active and combative solidarity with a clear and unambiguous line of discourse. The idea – strength of “neither guilty, no innocent, simply anarchist” is reflected in our position against prison and repression both in and outside of their walls. It represents a way of living and being in prison that is linked with intransigence that opens innumerable paths of action for friends in the street, ways which attempt to destroy power by not falling into their categories and contrary to their predatory logic.

    When repression represents an opportunity

    The repressive wave that materialized in the operations of Pandora and Piñata represented the hardest strike against anarchism in Spain since the 1980s. Their clear attempt was to eliminate a sector of the anarchist movement by quickly moving forward with harassment, persecution, and imprisonment of friends. Evidently, the magnitude of state repression has had its consequences, as could not be otherwise. Many initiatives were put on hold, spaces were literally looted by the repressive fury and the worry of being enveloped into the paranoid fantasies of power created a certain immobility that has little by little began to be overcome.

    However, in our opinion, due to the clumsy and inconsistent theory of the police, this strike represents an opportunity to highlight the weaknesses of the State that utilizes classic strategies of imprisonment and intimidation in order to reduce and eliminate those who will not be domesticated. Along with this, we believe that these operations are closely related to the rise of social movements and their incorporation within the institutions; those who refuse to play the game of democracy can await prison. Because of this, it’s important to address what the significance of these strikes and resulting solidarity in terms of understanding the social movements that have transformed into political parties don’t represent, in any way, an ally, rather they are an apparatus of power with whom we have nothing in common.

    Throughout the operations of Pandora and Piñata the State has, as previously mentioned on several occasions, attempted to attack ideas and practices that are radically different than it, as evidenced by the fact that none of the imprisoned friends are accused of concrete actions. What they’ve tried to do is punish a way of living, the option of struggle against the established order and permanent anti-authoritarian activity that, that more-or-less, has influenced many spaces and aspects of the milieu. Therefore, the continuing transition on the path of rupture represents, a small victory that demonstrates that the State can show us its worst face, but it can’t bend us. In this regard, we believe that solidarity with the friends imprisoned must necessarily be the transgressor and on the offensive, breaking away from the discourses of pessimism and victimization. The utilization of all of our creativity, limited only by our anarchic principals, is fundamental in strengthening our solidarity. In the war against domination all actions are necessary.

    Finally, we would like to send all our love and strength to our German friends held in prison, accused of robbing a bank there, who are currently facing a difficult trail. We are reminded in each instant of the pride and joy they have shown, are also ours and the possibility to be your friend.

    Today and always an open hand to friends and a clenched fist to the enemy.

    Death to the State and long live Anarchy!

    Mónica Caballero S.

    Francisco Solar D.

    Prisión Villabona – Asturias.

    2 de Febrero de 2017.

  • México: 50 anarchist cells at war against capitalism and the state

    A text we translated from Contralínea By Zósimo Camacho on October 16th, 2016 about ongoing anarchist activities there.

    – stalkingtheearth


    From Contralínea By Zósimo Camacho on October 16th, 2016

    In México there is an ongoing anarchist insurrection, with 50 groups and cells at war with the State and capital. The seriousness of the “black threat” has caused the National Risk Agenda [1] to give it priority attention, ahead of the red guerrillas[2], with only drug trafficking and social uprisings given a higher priority.

    Let the night illuminate and rock the city; let the roar awaken the powerful in their bondage. May the sound of bullets stir the repressive arms; and shake their civil and financial temples. La Revolución is today and will not wait for the masses to organize. It is the contagious fever of the insurrectionary clandestine anarchist. It spreads, celebrates, between readings, debates, concerts; and conspires night after night.

    In the four years of Enrique Peña Nieto’s six years presidential term, the anarchist insurrection has continued to materialize, with at least, 40 “violent direct actions” against government offices, banks, malls, major projects, and interests of big business: armed clashes, attacks, explosions, fires, sabotage, destruction, and boycotts.

    And due to the “politics of national security”, these insurrectionary acts are not usually divulged to the media. Of the 50 groups, only those who have publicly claimed acts are known.

    The effervescence of the clandestine insurrectionary anarchist movement has not gone unnoticed by the intelligence and security organizations of the Mexican state. Today, the anarchist threat occupies a high degree of attention in the intelligence community, only coming in behind the drug trade and social movements, according to the National Risk Agenda of 2015, documented by a “confidential” actor who works at the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN).

    In the last 8 years, almost 50 anarchist groups of the insurrectionary tendency have done more than 220 direct actions against the interests of capital and the state. The count is contained in the case file Acciones de grupos autodenominados anarquistas, insurreccionalistas, eco extremistas y/o eco terroristas, elaborated by the civil intelligence organization of the Mexican state, CISEN.

    For its part, the 2013, 2014, and 2015 versions of the National Risk Agenda, of which Contralínea had access, also took note of the emerging anarchist threat that preoccupied the intelligence community whose job it is to feed products for consumption to the Armed Forces and the civil organizations of national security.

    Above all because of these confidential documents – it is recognized by the intelligence community that the authorities do not currently have a “consistent inter-institutional scheme to address the subject” according to the National Risk Agenda.

    According to this document – which is produced annually by CISEN based off of inner information and from other governmental agencies that make up the National Security Council, the actions of insurrectionary anarchists “are becoming increasingly violent”. In the “General Diagnostic” of the chapter dedicated to anarchism, it also notes a “radicalization of actions from anarchist direct action cells”.

    According to the document, in the face of the anarchist insurrection, the biggest known vulnerability of the Mexican State – is “due to the lack of physical protection at strategic facilities”. The risk grade assigned to this “vulnerability” is “high”.

    The National Security Council (CSN) participates in the creation of the National Risk Agenda and it’s followup. According to the current National Security Law, the body is made up of the President of the Republic, Enrique Peña Nieto and the head of the Interior Ministry (Segob), Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, National Defense (Sedena), Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda; the Military, (Semar), Vidal Francisco Soberón Sanz; Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), who is José Antonio Meade Kuribreña; Public Function (SFP, who is currently without a title but in charge after the dispatch of Javier Vargas Zempoaltécatl); Foreign Relations (SRE) , Claudia Ruiz Massieu; Communications and Transportation (SCT) Gerardo Ruiz Esparza; The Public Safety Commision (CSP) Renato Sales Heredia; The Attorney General’s Office (PGR), Arely Gómez González, and the director of CISEN, Eugenio Ímaz Gispert.

    Meanwhile, the document from CISEN Acciones de grupos autodenominados anarquistas, insurreccionalistas, eco extremistas y/o eco terroristas was prepared by the decentralized agency of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) and presented as “Annex 1” to the response for request for information 0410000023116 filed by Contralínea.

    The insurgents

    Although the document identifies “306 actions” committed by 74 organizations between the 26th of March, 2008 and the 22nd of July of last year, they are not all the work of anarchists. Around 220 have been carried out by anarchists and their insurrectionary stripe, 40 of them so far during the 6-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto. Another 82 actions committed by 26 groups are actually the work of eco-terrorists or eco-extremists. In addition, four have been claimed by two fascist groups.

    The document does not establish whether or not all the groups or actions, as can be inferred, are committed by cells of larger organizations that in other attacks have used different names.

    In the past 8 years, the most active insurrectionay anarchist groups have been, according to the document prepared by CISEN: the Earth Liberation Front, with 52 direct actions, The Animal Liberation Front, with 44; The Autonomous Cells of Immediate Revolution Práxedis G Guerrero (CARI-PGG), with 32; the Informal Anarchist Federation, with 30; and among others the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, with 12.

    As a group, the CARI-PGG were disbanded in November 2013. However they have remained active for almost 5 years. As stated in a 2016 communiqué, those who joined them stopped acting as CARI-PGG but individually and as other groups, continuing the insurrectionary anarchist attacks and direct actions.

    Some of the actions in this anarchist tendency have been carried out in coordinated attacks by two or more groups. México City has experienced the highest number of attacks: 91. Other states with more than 10 direct actions committed by insurrectionary anarchists from 2008 to date are, The State of México [3], and Jalisco, with 16. Between one and nine direct actions have occurred in Oaxaca, Baja California, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Quintana Roo, Chihuahua, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Tlaxcala y Puebla.

    Attacks against universities and research centers

    In a response to Contralínea, CISEN emphasized that “the term anarchist is not specified in current Mexican legislation. It also says that the agency “does not attribute the claim of attacks to any individual or group identified by their ideology.”

    The institute for protecting national security persecutes “violent groups.” “It is the objective of any authority to contain violent acts, a situation unrelated to ideologies.”

    This is what they highlighted in the response to the request for public information. But, in the National Risk Agenda anarchism is denounced in general, even those anarchists who don’t claim to be of the insurrectionary tendency. In the section about the “vulnerabilities” of the Mexican state, they highlight “the lack of a legal framework to limit the organizing of anarchist groups.” This consideration denotes a “medium” level of risk. Anarchist organizing of any type is under the magnifying glass of national security.

    In addition, the document considers groups as anarchists that aren’t, and even contrary to anarchism, as Individualists Tending towards the Wild (ITS) [4]. This organization has claimed the assassination of administrative workers, scientists and attacks against the university and centers of study.

    However, the Agenda points out that: “anarchist cells slowly increase their levels of radicalism, particularly that of ITS, which has threatened attacks against human objectives.”

    Even attacks by insurrectionary anarchists are not distinguished from those attributed to other post-modern groups like ITS and other related groups that have claimed to be anti-civilization, like Wild Reaction. [5]

    There are also examples of fascist or neo-Nazi organizations, like Tenochtitlan Salvation Front and its Secret Organization of Leaders of Tenochtitlan who say they are trying to restore the “sacred” “Ateza nation” and “put in power” those who would “guarantee the protection of the natural rights of the human species”.

    Overall, for the military and the intelligence communities, all of these groups are “anarchists”. This is why, all of the attacks are the work of “anarchists”.

    And in the General Diagnosis of risk, it is highlighted that “attacks against banks, institutions and individuals linked to research centers and direct actions against human targets with terrorist links are to be expected.”

    It also states that “members of anarchist groups operate together as attack groups during social moblizations.”

    Among the “risk scenarios” envisioned by the National Risk Agenda they point out the “possibility of direct actions with high impact: bombings and explosions against human targets, and the expansion of anarchist groups due to the lack of a legal framework to coordinate against specific anarchistic threats.”

    This situation leads to another, equally considered “risk scenario”: the “negative impact on perception of the citizen security brought on by the reactivation of (anarchist) groups.”

    The coming strike against the anarchists

    In regards to the “capacities” of government entities to confront these insurrectionary anarchists, the National Risk Agenda highlights the “inter-institutional intelligence work: Sedena, Semar, Segob, in the zones of (anarchist) attacks” (sic).

    Among the “recommendations” of the National Security Council contained in the National Risk Agenda are: “strengthening the inter-institutional scheme to address (anarchism)”, as well as the “relaunching of operative groups within CISEN focused on specific objectives” (sic).

    The operating groups are, in the words of the intelligence services, those who are in charge of specific special missions: for example, covert actions, follow-ups, infiltrations, for home invasion or that of an institution for surveillance. In some countries the operational groups are tasked with the elimination of those who make “attempts” against the “security” of the State.

    Insurrection in the middle of the country

    The National Risk Agenda recognizes the presence of anarchist “direct action” cells in five entities of the republic: México City, the State of México, Morelos, Oaxaca y Baja California. In the first three regions mentioned, there are anarchist collectives of these tendencies. With respect to Oaxaca, the anarchists are found in the capital of the State and in the fringes of the Central Valley, Sierra Norte and Sierra Sur. With respect to Baja California, the map included below includes the city of Mexicali.

    However, among the list of direct actions by insurrectionary anarchists presented by CISEN, 17 of the 32 entities of the Republic are counted: México City, the State of México, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Baja California, Guanajuanto, Veracruz, Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Quintana Roo, Chihuahua, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Tlaxcala and Puebla.

    National Security: The rise of anarchism

    Since the 2013 version of the National Risk Agenda, anarchism was considered one of the top 10 immediate issues in national security.

    Then it was put in fifth place, among the same as guerrilla warfare. This is how, armed movements – such as the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), el Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente (ERPI), el Ejército Popular Revolucionario (EPR) and, among others, the Tendencia Democrática Revolucionaria-Ejército del Pueblo (TDR-EP) – all appeared together with insurrectionary anarchist cells in a single chapter of the confidential document at the hands of the Interior Secretary in charge of CISEN.

    For the 2014 version, anarchism was assigned an independent section and put into fourth place on the list of priorities. The guerrilla movements were left to keep fifth place.

    In 2015, the National Risk Agenda due to the actions of insurrectionary anarchists, the anarchist threat level climbed to the third priority for civilian and military institutions in charge of defense and national security: Sedena, Semar, the CISEN, the Segob, the PGR, and among others, the Federal Police. The anarchist insurrection increased in focus, while the red guerrilla groups level of priority dramatically fell.

    From boycott to armed confrontation

    According to the information collected by Contralínea – from libertarian distribution portals, among which Contralínea stands out – insurrectionary anarchist groups and cells performed more than 20 direct actions against specific targets between May 2015 and September 2016. The actions ranged from boycotts to armed confrontations. The spectrum of acts include sabotage, attacks, placement of fake bombs, detonation of explosives and fires.

    These are only the direct actions that are documented. The real number is difficult to project because not all acts are claimed. Generally, the police don’t tell the media of possible insurrectionary anarchist attacks.

    The most recent coordinated attacks were the work of Grupo Autónomo de Sabotaje Salvador Olmos García. On July 3rd, they setup and detonated an explosive-incendiary packages at the headquarters of three of the main Mexican business organizations.
    Salvador Olmos García is the name of the young anarchist, organizer of indigenous neighborhoods, punk singer, lawyer and local journalist, who was assassinated by police in Huajuapan de Leon, Oaxaca, on June 28th. Olmos had been apprehended by police earlier that day, when he had responded to a call by the community radio Tuun Ñuu Savi to help defend the space from police eviction. Chava was arrested by a police patrol and beaten. This event caused activist groups all over the state, and even, several entities throughout the Republic to react and five days later came the attack on high-level agencies.

    Via a statement that can be read on the Contralínea website (… ), it reports attacks against the Ciudad de México del Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE), the Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (Coparmex) and the Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación (Canacintra). In all:

    “There is no possible solution for the oppressed within the margins of their institutions, without the uncompromising struggle against capital and the State, that makes possible a scenario open to general insurrection [and] that establishes a dialect of spontaneity and organization, social peace in the Mexican region and throughout the globe.
    Death to the State and Capital!
    Freedom for all poltical prisoners!
    For Anarchy!
    “Grupo Autónomo de Sabotaje Salvador Olmos García”

    [1] CISEN (Center for Research and National Security) is a Méxican intelligence agency. The Agenda is a part of CISEN that “identifies risks and threats to National Security” &ón

    [2] An incomplete list, but provides a general idea of who these “red guerrillas” are in contrast to the poorly chosen name

    [3] The State of México is one of 32 Federal entities of the México

    [4] ITS,

    [5] Wild Reaction,

  • Chile: a brief update on some friends in prison

    Text we translated from Publicación Refractario Publicación Refractario, translated by anonymous

    With 2016 coming to an end, we would like to take a closer look at the current proceedings against our revolutionary friends in prison.

    Sometimes, the frenetic rhythm of counter-information with all of its frequent updates or the repetition of slogans can cause us to lose sight of our analytical capacity and critique that as insurrectionaries and anti-authoritarians characterize us. Within the continual counter-information movement, we would like to pause and provide a brief overview into the reality of the judicial proceedings against our revolutionary prisoners.

    We are glad to see Gabriel’s release to the streets, Albert Woodfox and the slow release of Marco Camenish.

    With the memory of our fallen comrades in combat still fresh, we remember that those in prison don’t enjoy dead time, vacations, or recreation as do gendarmes and the managers of prison society. Our craving for revolt and liberation will not rest either.

    – Refractario 2016 –

    Our friends Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero, who where detained in November of 2013 and accused of planting the explosive devices and bombing against the Basilica of Pilar, have faced a segregated and isolated prison sentence. They finally had a trail in March of 2016 and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. This past October, their sentence was substantially reduced to 4 and a half years with the possibility of being sent back to Chile.

    Hans Niemeyer, arrested on the November 30th of 2011 and sentenced to 5 years + 300 days for the explosive attack on a BCI bank, is still imprisoned in a maximum security prison without the penitentiary benefits due to the impossibility of the bureaucratic gendarmerie.

    Kevin Garrido and Joaquín Cortez arrested in November of 2015 and accused of different explosive attacks. Both are being held under a gun control law. Joaquín is accused of the attack against the 12th precinct of San Miguel and then of illegal possession of a gun after being caught with one following months of hiding after breaking his house arrest. For his part, Kevin is being charged with the attack against the school of gendarmerie in San Bernardo, possession of a weapon, black powder, and an attack against Chilectra (October 2015).

    The investigations into the case are still open and ongoing.

    Prison situation:

    Kevin Garrido: prisoner in Empresa Santiago 1

    Joaquín Cortez: prisoner in the maximum security section

    Tamara Sol Farias Vergara, arrested in January of 2014 and accused of shooting a bank security guard in revenge for the death of anarchist Sebastia Oversluij, continues to serve a 7 year sentence for the attempted homicide. Tamara is currently in the special maximum security section of the San Joaquin prison.

    The Bombs II Case

    Comrades Juan Flores, Enrique Guzman and Nataly Casanova are accused of attacking police substations and precincts during 2014, actions later claimed by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Chile and The International Conspiracy for Revenge, continue to remain in preventive custody.

    On the judicial side, the investigative process is being lead by prosecutor’s office under the anti-terrorist law that asks for 10 years to life imprisonment, with the investigation period almost over and then continuing to the preparation for oral trail whose date is currently waiting to be set.

    The prison situation for the comrades are:

    Enrique Guzmán: Prisoner in the maximum security section

    Juan Flores: Prisoner in C block of the ex-penitentiary.

    Nataly Casanova: Prisoner in the prison of San Miguel.

    The PDI Case

    At the end of 2014, the homicide brigade of the PDI were attacked with incendiary bombs by hooded ones and due to this Victor Amaru Zuñiga, Felipe Roman, Manuel Espinoza, Maria Paz Vera, and Natalia Alvarado were arrested and prosecuted.

    After the conclusion of the initial investigation, they currently preparing for oral trail since November 28th, 2016, with the prosecution requesting around 20 years for each.

    The prison situation of the friends are:

    Victor Amaru Zuñiga, Felipe Roman, and Manuel Espinoza: Prisoners and segregated in different blocks of the prison, Empresa Santiago 1

    Maria Paz Vera: Prisoner in the prison of San Miguel.

    Natalia Alvarado: Recused and under house arrest.

    The Security Case

    After being condemned in 2014 for the bank robberies and the death of a policeman, friends Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste and Freddy Fuentevilla are serving their sentences in a maximum security prison.

    Marcelo Villarroel: Sentenced to 14 years + 40 years (for a previous sentence)

    Feddy Fuentevilla: Sentenced to 15 years in prison, but because of a 2016 reform to the law, it was reduced to 14 years, 4 months.

    Juan Aliste Vega: Sentenced to 42 years in prison.


    The friend Ignacio Muñoz, accused of transporting an explosive device in August of 2015 in the municipality of Lo Prado along with pamphlets expressing solidarity with the prisoners of the PDI Case. He has been sentenced to 3 years and one day under the gun control law. He is currently in the prison of Santiago 1.

    Natalia Collado (Tato) and Javier Pino have been sentenced to 3 years and one day for the incendiary attack against a Transantiago bus in April of 2015. Tato is in special High Security section of the San Joaquin prison, while Javier Pine is in prison at Colina II.

    Street Fighters

    The friend Nicolás Rojas, accused of the arson attack against the Church of San Francisco in October of 2015 continues to be held in maximum security, while the initial investigation is on-going.

    Fabián Duran arrested and accused of carrying molotov cocktails on September 11th, of 2015 continues to be held within the maximum security section, with the deadline for initial investigations still open.

    For the destruction of prison, the jailers, and the society that supports it!

    For the liberation of revolutionary comrades in prison!