Clandestine group “Anarquistas al Combate” makes a call for autonomy in Colombia

We recently translated this text from Ruptura Colectiva

– stalkingtheearth

In the afternoon of the first of March, the clandestine group “Anarquistas al Combate” took the P building of the National Pedagogical University in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, making a call to the student community to resume the process of autonomy and rebellion in their discussions and practices in and outside of the university space. The militant hooded ones painted some slogans on the walls of the building and strongly rejected the more than 120 assassinations of community leaders and defenders of human rights[1] in just 14 months in all of Columbia, specifically in a political context mediated by peace, side by side with the serious – and cowardly – paramilitary attacks against social fighters.

This past February 23rd, the “Festival for Rebellion and Memory” was held in the Plaza Darío Betancourt, which aimed to strengthen the student imagination about the police attacks against the students organized in the UPN, and as well as, serving as an anticipatory activity to the national march against the recent Police Code approved at the start of 2017. At the festival, a helicopter circled just meters away.

[1] human rights was capitalized in original Spanish – Derechos Humanos (Human Rights)


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