Life is but a dog

The seasons are changing here, from the autumnal fall to the arctic-like winter months, and with that so is this site. As we here are still apprenticing to become a drupal wizards, the site has suffered and exhibited signs of a lacklusterism and in need of redesign and more / improved content. After all, what is this site but a collection of somewhat anonymous writings gathered over the years from around the Internet, so they could finally have a place of their own (again) to lay their head at night. The years have gone on, and work has more-often-than-not sucked out the creative spirits, juices, and time of putting down in writing, audio, video, and image the documentation of everything, our life – to share with you in hopes of making connections and creating situations.

Here are some things that are changing over time:
– new design. waiting for drupal cms to finally come out seems like a lifetime. not even sure if it will make huge change, but i’m most interested in learning this cms and basing the site off of it in the future.
– making public rss feed of my favorite daily reads. comments on this. best of web weekly.
– IRC bot to answer the heavy questions like “what is the meaning of life?” etc.
– more frequent content. aiming for at least once a month, sitting down and typing out some thoughts or working on editing old texts to post. more reviews of things that are of interest. short and long. on the surface and plunging to the depths. for the most part, we would say this is a review website, although sometimes wild news digests may appear, among other things. the creative writing process. a blank slate.
– comments. they are open and anon at the moment. why? it’s important, but definitely too much spam recently. the comments will remain open and anonymous, but looking into improved filtering, etc. this site isn’t really driven by the comments, but they are appreciated. it’s nice to know we’re all not robots.
– all the other things!


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